
Paulina Woehr, RMFTI

Paulina is originally from a very small yet beautiful country in South America called Ecuador. She was born in it’s capital city, Quito.

After living in New York City and working as a school counselor, Paulina & her husband have been living in Kissimmee, Florida for the last twelve years. She has been married to a wonderful godly man for 30 years, and together they have two children. The eldest, their son, is serving in the Armed Forces and their daughter is currently studying at John Jay in New York.

Paulina has received her Master’s Degree in Marriage & Family Therapy from Liberty University.

Paulina enjoys photography and jewelry making, and she loves to use these hobbies to bless others by giving away her creations. Paulina’s goal in life is to honor God in all she does by seeking to share His love and compassion through counseling.